What We Are

Cerro Gordo Clean Energy District is a Local Organization of Volunteers Supporting the Transition to Clean Energy in the County.

Our Vision

100% Local Owned Clean Energy in the District by 2050.

Our Mission

To Lead, Implement and Accelerate the Locally Owned Clean Energy Transition.

installer on panels

What We Do

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    Educate People about Clean Energy

    - Provide newsletters, social media, education events, etc.

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    Engage the Public in the Clean Energy Transition

    - Host Public Events, Demonstrations, etc.

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    Create Community Wealth with Clean Energy

    - Support Locally Owned Clean Energy
    - Provide Technical Training for Clean Energy Jobs

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    Save Money through Energy Efficiency

    - Provide Information on Energy Audits, Financing, Tax Credits, etc.

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    Promote Climate Stewardship

    - Reduce carbon emissions

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    Assist with Solar Projects

    - Provide assistance in finding Auditors, Contractors, Financing etc.

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    Inform people of Financial Opportunities

    - Provide Information about Loans, Tax Credits, Grants, Grant Writers, etc.

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    Create Community Partners

    - Work with Local Organizations and Individuals for Clean Energy

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