Cerro Gordo Clean Energy District Talks at Trinity Lutheran Church

The Cerro Gordo Clean Energy District’s own Don Hofstrand and Gina Clinger had a productive evening on Wednesday, April 24th, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Mason City! We offered an informative presentation to the community, introducing ourselves and our mission to promote clean energy in Cerro Gordo County.

During the talk, we highlighted our Local Leader Energy Tour, and recent events where the District participated, including the NIACC STEM Festival and the Clear Lake Green Expo. These events provided valuable opportunities to connect with the community and share information about clean energy solutions.

Following the presentation, we enjoyed a lively Q&A session. Attendees were curious about home solar power and electric vehicles, and our team was happy to provide insights and answer questions in detail.

Here at the Cerro Gordo Clean Energy District, we’re passionate about empowering our community to make informed choices for a sustainable future. If you’re interested in learning more about clean energy options for your home, stay tuned for our upcoming Residential Solar Tour! We’ll be sharing details and registration information on our website soon.

In the meantime, we encourage you to explore our website for resources and learn more about how you can get involved in clean energy initiatives in Cerro Gordo County!

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